Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Amen to that!

I'm thankful for so many things. In no particular order: family, friends, an apartment to live in near both the seminary where Abraham attends and the school where we teach, food, lotion in this dry climate, a job I enjoy, good health, markets, blankets on cold nights, my laptop, music, time spent with my husband, books, and so very much more. I'm thankful for people like you who pray for Abraham and I. We need your continued prayers. I'm thankful also for those who support us financially. You make many of the above-mentioned blessings possible.

We have this week off from school, and it has been lovely to wake up later and spend time relaxing or finishing tasks that cannot be accomplished when we go to work every day. On Thursday we will be celebrating Thanksgiving with my mother- and brother-in-law and some other PCS teachers, along with a Mexican family that used to work at PCS. We'll be potlucking and will have most of the normal feast food plus rajas con crema and tortillas.

On Friday Abraham, Six, Ken, and I will be discussing and writing out a vision statement for Huejotzingo. As the time approaches for our probable move to live in Huejotzingo, Abraham asked Pastor Manuel of our church if he thought we were the people to be missionaries in Huejotzingo. Manuel said he would discuss with the elders and ask them to write yes or no and the reason why for either answer. We will know their response early in December, and the vision statement will help to clarify what we believe God is calling us to do at the mission. Please pray for us as we prepare the statement and as the elders consider Abraham's question. Pray also that there will be a place for us to live, preferably land we can buy where we can build a house (and the funds to make this possible).

Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

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