On Saturday afternoon after leaving the vet's office, we visited some of the children and spent a short time with them. When we left them, we visited one family and ended up passing quite awhile with them. The mother, Doña Benita, is going to teach me how to make tortillas this coming Monday, and I will teach her and some of her older children how to make some cakes and cookies later on.
We have twice invited to our house the children of the group that usually joins us on Sunday afternoons. They did not come, but we hope that they and their parents will become more comfortable with the idea that they are welcome. This week we will be having Easter activities at the location where we normally meet. On Thursday afternoon, we will be showing at least part of the Jesus film. On Friday afternoon we will present a Passover meal - not a complete one, but one with small portions of the main elements - and explaining what each food represented in the Old Testament and what it represents to Christ-followers now. Sunday morning, we will have a semi-sunrise service at 7 o'clock. Please pray that all the children attend and that they will learn or will have confirmed what they know of Jesus' sacrifice. We would also be glad to have parents attend, but they usually don't.
Have a blessed Easter. Remember, He is Risen!
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