Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Walk Thru the Bible

Sign for tabernacle

400 years
Two weeks ago in the Sunday afternoon kids´ club, we finished telling Bible stories from the Old Testament.  Now Abraham is teaching four weeks of Walk Thru the Bible.  Everyone is enjoying the energetic review, and we hope that they will take the stories home with them to tell to their families. 


After he finished teaching the signs for week two and reviewing from creation to Moses´ death, Abraham passed out a sheet with key words to
fill out so that everyone could practice at home.  We worked in groups to finish the sheet and then practiced the signs a few more times.

The Huejotzingo carnival has ended and various Lenten activities have begun.  There have been several processions of different images walked through the highly decorated streets, and some neighborhood homes have been converted into shrines to the images.  Starting late afternoon and on into the night, the sounds of ´Ave Maria´ and other classical songs float through the air, coming from the shrines where people gather to recite their rosaries and other scripted prayers.

Just as we have done other years, Abraham, Six, and I plan to have Holy Week services at our home, culminating in the celebration of Jesus´ resurrection on Easter Sunday.  We have observed in past years that the focus of the majority of the people here is on Jesus´ and Mary´s suffering and on Jesus´ death.  His resurrection is almost overlooked.  Our prayer is that we can clearly present the balance - yes, Jesus´ suffering and death were very real and necessary, but the story does not end there.  He rose again!  Please pray with us as we plan this year´s Holy Week activities.