Wednesday, November 2, 2016


 Activities in Huejotzingo continue as before.  We have Bible studies at a few houses and kids´ club every Sunday afternoon.  We raise our two rambunctious kids and keep house and work at Puebla Christian School part-time.  Very soon we will celebrate Leilani´s second birthday, and within a year we will start homeschool with Abishael.

A few weeks ago, I began a pencil drawing class at Dios es Amor for anyone over the age of 10 interested in learning.  So far we have only had two meetings, because of different activities at church.  There are five, or perhaps six, students.  I emphasize that drawing is not a mysterious gift that only a few people have, but that anyone can learn how to really see in order to capture their world on paper.

Also at Dios es Amor, preparations have begun for the church Christmas presentation.  This year there will be five scenes from Jesus´ life presented in different areas of the church property.  Abraham will be one of the three narrators who will be guiding visiting groups through each of the scenes and reading the Biblical accounts of each part of Jesus´ life.  Leilani and I have the role of shepherds, along with two other children from Huejotzingo.  Abishael will be part of the group of angels, and Six will be one of the Magi.  Four other children from Huejotzingo also have roles in the first scene as angels and Magi.

In a previous post, I wrote about several people who needed prayer for serious health problems.  Aaron continues to receive chemo treatment for the tumor in his chest.  He has been able to spend days at home between treatments, and so far hasn´t suffered nausea from the medicine.  Fani decided to try alternative treatments for the tumor in her brain rather than have surgery immediately.  Hortensia is now completely free of shingles.  Alan has returned home, but is still very ill and must undergo more testing.

Another person who needs prayer is Martha, an older widow with reduced income.  A few weeks ago, she was bitten by a black widow spider and went to the hospital for treatment.   The treatment was effective, but the doctors warned her to stay out of the sun for a few months - apparently the venom remaining in her system can be reactivated by sun exposure.  This restriction is difficult for Martha, because she lives in an isolated area, and her only means of transportation is walking.  Needing to stay out of the sun makes getting to work difficult or impossible.

Please continue to pray for healing for these people and for continued health for all of us.  Pray for us as we decide what curricula to use with Abish for his homeschooling.  Thank you for your partnership with us.

Monday, September 12, 2016


We have an update for the people on the prayer list.  Luis does not have leukemia.  He just has some anemia.

Irma passed away late last week.  

Hortensia is much better, and we will return to Bible study with them again this week.

There is a new person to add to the list.  Aron is a 7th grader at PCS.  His mom is the secretary at the school, and three of his brothers graduated from PCS in the last few years.  His mother was diagnosed with Lupus last year, and now he is undergoing many medical studies for a tumor that was found in his chest last week.  

Please continue to pray!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Puebla Christian School and Calling the Pray-ers

concentration on their reference drawings

Puebla Christian School has begun the 2016-2017 school year.  Once again Abraham and I are part-time teachers there.  Abraham is the PE teacher for the whole school for the fourth year, and I am the elementary students´ art teacher for the second year.  Like last year, I will alternate teaching drawing techniques with teaching art history and doing a project related to the artist or art movement.  Around some holidays we will also craft gifts.

We just found out that Fani, one of the PCS teachers, a lady who also has three children attending there and who was on the board of directors, was diagnosed with a brain tumor that must be operated on as soon as possible.  At this point, she and her family have no other information about the tumor.

The tumor adds her to a list of people Abraham and I are praying for and helping in any other way we can.  My sister-in-law has a former co-worker, Alan, a 25 year old man, who is in the hospital receiving chemo treatments for leukemia.  His family is poor, and the treatments, while partially covered by public health insurance, are difficult for them to manage.

Another person recently diagnosed with leukemia is Irma, the grandmother of seven of the children we do Bible study with once a week. She believes she has the cancer because some one put a curse on her.

Our neighbor Luis, the teenage uncle of three of the kids who regularly attend Sunday kids´ club (and who used to attend himself), will be having tests done next week to determine the cause of his anemia.  The thought is that he, too, may have leukemia.

Finally, we are also praying for Hortensia, a lady who lives with another of my sisters-in-law.  She has been down with shingles for the last two and a half weeks.  The family has been trying to find creams, lotions, and natural treatments to relieve her symptoms, but she is having a very rough time.  So far nothing helps much.  For this family also, the expenses of treatments are causing strain, since their budget is very limited

This is just too much serious illness!  Please pray for these people and their families.

On a much brighter note, we were very blessed by one of the families that Abraham and Six regularly do a Bible study with.  Ernesto and Marisol are new believers, and they still have many habits to change.  However, they are taking the studies seriously, and two weeks ago decided to give Abraham an offering of money for two of the sick people mentioned above.

On Thursday evening, we heard a knock at the door, and Abraham went to answer.  He returned with a box of groceries that these neighbors had bought for us.  How wonderful to see them growing in their faith and willing to generously give!  It is encouraging to see them grow.  Pray for them as they grow, because they often face rejection and mocking from their relatives who live in the same compound.

We are checking to see if we can change a Bible study that we used to do on Fridays to Sundays.  The Bible study sometimes involves three generations of women, all of whom have serious difficulties in their lives.  Recently only one person, sometimes two, could be at the Bible study.  Last Friday, one of the ladies asked us if we could change the Bible study to Sunday, because it is the only time she, and perhaps her four-year-old granddaughter, can attend.  We will try going right when we arrive from church.  Six will stay with the children who arrive for kids´ club as they play, and we will return for the other afternoon activities.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

John the Beloved Disciple

baby dedication
On July 13, my sister Joy and my dad arrived in Huejotzingo.  We visited a few fun places together, and they also helped preparing for our VBS.  On Sunday they attended church at Dios es Amor with us, and we had Leilani´s baby dedication.

July 18 - 23 we held VBS at our home, with the theme of John the beloved disciple.  For the fourth year in a row, we developed our own curriculum, a process which requires many months of work scouring internet resources, writing, and planning.

Abish feeling awful
As with last year, we woke up to a feverish Abishael on Monday.  It was his first sickness in all 2016.  Because he was in pain from achy joints, and because the fever was not going away even with the homeopathic medicine treatment, we chose to modify the first day of VBS.  Volunteers from Dios es Amor and two neighbor friends took over games and snack while my dad drove us in our neighbors´ car to the kids´ doctor in Puebla.  Our very social Abish cried disconsolately over not being able to play with his friends.  Both Abish and Lani, it turned out, had throat infections, and the doctor gave them a new treatment which soon had them both feeling better.

reviewing worksheets and preparing
On Tuesday Abish was no longer feeling bad, so we swung into full VBS mode.  At noon the children began to sign in, and the day´s focus of Jesus calling John and James started out with songs.  Once most children had signed in, we split the groups into ages 1 - 6 and 7 and up.  The young kids went to the patio for snack of fishy crackers and for verse practice while the older group took to the street for games.  The groups switched places, and then we all met together inside for a few more songs, announcements and welcome, and a visit from special guest Zebedee (played by Abraham).  Again the young group went to the patio where they made a fish mobile with the day´s verse and then completed a page to help them remember the day´s story.  Inside, the older group worked on slightly more complicated versions of the same.  At the end of the work time, we all briefly returned indoors to review, and then it was time to go home at 3.
Joy saying goodbye on Wednesday

Abraham dressing as James
Wednesday´s story was told by James (again played by Abraham).  The children learned about Jesus´ transfiguration.  The schedule followed the same order Tuesday through Friday, with the two groups sometimes together and sometimes divided, and everything from games to snacks, songs to crafts, and verses to work pages serving to emphasize the story of the day.

On Thursday James and John´s mother (played by me) told the story of Jesus´ trial, death, and resurrection and of how John stayed faithfully with Jesus throughout Jesus´ trial and death.
little kids´ craft
 Friday´s visitor was a lady from the church John wrote to in 2 John.  She urged the children to obey God´s command to love each other.

Because of the change on Monday, our VBS ran through Saturday.  In addition, we decided to hold the finale on Saturday rather than on Sunday afternoon as we had done in the past . Our last visitor, played by our neighbor, was John himself.  He told about Jesus´ second coming and said that we should be vigilant as
keep watch
we wait for him.

Four parents arrived for the finale.  There was some chaos as we shepherded the children inside, reviewed the week´s stories, and called the children and volunteers up for diplomas.  Finally, each child received their gifts and filed outside for the cake and juice donated by two parents.

most of the young group
older kids and their diplomas
little kids´ games

don´t lose the balloon

older kids´group finishes tower first

the youngest participant

our debt is paid
In total we had 42 children, ranging in age from not-yet-two (Leilani) to 18 years old.  Our busiest day had 34 children.  We were blessed with the help of several people from church and a Christian couple who live near us.  Thank you for your prayers for us in the work of putting together and hosting this year´s VBS.  Please pray that the messages of the Bible conveyed through the VBS would continue to impact the lives of the children and their families.

Saturday, June 25, 2016


playing with sidewalk chalk
 We recently reconnected with a lady that Abraham used to do Bible studies with.  She lives Huejotzingo, but not particularly close to us.  After being out of contact with her for quite some time, she showed up at our house one morning to tell me about the December murder of her 23 year-old granddaughter, the single mother of two small children.  She said that the family was now living in poverty, although they had the help of a Christian lady near her home.

together in the yard
Abraham reinitiated Bible studies with her.  Not long after that, our kids and I also began to go with him so that the lady´s grandkids could have some friends to play with during the study.  Depending on the day, the lady is there.  Her elderly brother is always home and listens to the study eagerly.  Sometimes other family members also participate. The family has a great many chains to break as they learn what God´s best is for their lives.  The mother and sister of the young lady declared their faith in Jesus just this past week, and we pray that their declaration is real.

We are gearing up for our annual vacation Bible school coming up the third week of July.  We still have quite a bit to do to prepare.

This last week, after a year and a half haitus, I started the cooking or craft class with teen and pre-teen girls.  We stopped the classes because the participants moved away, and no new teens arrived.  Last month, three of the girls moved back and asked for the class again.  Our class last week was making cream cheese bites. Yum!

Please pray for us as we plan the VBS, continue previously established studies and English class, and reinitiate the study and teen class.  Pray also for our church which is going through a difficult time.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Día del Niño

April 30th is children´s day, and it´s a pretty big deal around here.  Both at church and at our house, we celebrated on May 1st, since that was the Sunday.  On the 30th we visited a family that we normally see on Saturdays.  The situation in their home is very difficult, and I emphasized the special place that children have in God´s heart, praying that the seven children in that home will escape their parents´ errors by being sure of God´s love for them.

What was special for our kids on April 30th, is that there were fair rides set up in the town square, and all children rode for free.  Abish enjoyed four rides and Leilani one, because only the carousel was for really young kids.
ice cream at church
At church, the songs were children´s choruses and the sermon was directed to children as well.  Once the service ended, there were games to play, face painting,  and ice cream with sprinkles and chocolate sauce to eat (or paint faces with...).
several boys wanted face paint like Spiderman
 Back at home we had also invited the kids for games and fun.  Several kids that had not been to Sunday kids´ club for months showed up for the celebration.  After some time of playing, we gathered the 18 kids together at the table to tell stories from the Bible.  I told how Jesus raised a 12-year-old girl to life and how Jesus told his disciples that they had to become like children to enter the kingdom of heaven.  Abraham finished the time by telling of when Jesus became angry with the disciples because they rejected the mothers who wanted Jesus to bless their children.  He told the disciples,"Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these," and then he welcomed and blessed the children.

"Catch me if you can!"

After they had eaten their snack of chicharines and chocolate cake, the kids ran outside to play tag.  As the time came for them to leave, we gave the boys a matchbox-type car and the girls a pony. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Holy Week 2016

We serve a risen Savior!  This year we chose to open our home each day of Holy Week for about 2 hours each day.  Mostly children came to the services, but some days a few adults joined us. 

On Monday Abraham taught about the cleansing of the temple when Jesus drove out those selling animals and changing money from the temple.  The children made handprint sheep and drew tables to fingerprint money onto.

Tuesday it was my turn to tell the story.  I shared about how the religious leaders wanted to trip Jesus up with something he said.  Then I told how one of the leaders asked Jesus what the greatest commandment is.  He replied, "To love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and the second is like it, to love your neighbor as yourself."  The children cut out and decorated hearts where they wrote, "Amarás a tu Dios con todo..." 

We had a full group on Wednesday when Abraham presented the story of how Judas betrayed Jesus and how we also betray him when we decide not to do what he says.  The adults and children traced their hands and cut out aluminum foil coins to show that Judas received 30 silver coins to turn Jesus over to his enemies.

Thurday we provided grape juice, mutton, and crackers as Abraham described the Last Supper and how Jesus came as a servant.  Abraham also told how Jesus went to the garden to pray, how his disciples slept instead of praying, and then how Jesus was arrested.  Again a mix of adults and children participated in the service.

Our Good Friday service was at 3.  Those who attended learned about the Old Testament tabernacle and how people were separated from God and kept to a strict set of laws involving sacrifices of animals.  Abraham shared about Jesus´ trial, crucifixion, and death and how the temple´s dividing curtain was torn from top to bottom the moment Jesus died, opening the way to God.
My turn to tell the Bible story came again on Saturday.  I reviewed to previous day´s lesson with an illustration, and then explained how the disciples felt on that Saturday after Jesus died.  They did not understand that he was not defeated, nor did it look like they had any hope.  However, he promised he would rise again. We then went on to see five of the many promises in the Bible for God´s children.

On Sunday came the celebration.  Abraham spoke of the empty tomb, and the children and adults made an empty tomb.  After that we enjoyed a potluck meal together.

It was good to be able to share the whole week with those neighbors who came.   

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


At PCS´ Valentine´s Day banquet
Happy month of love and friendship!  I appreciate how Mexico includes more than just romantic love in the celebration of Feb. 14.

I am so thankful for my family and the love we share.  God has blessed us greatly.  We celebrated Valentine´s Day on Friday evening at the Oscars, hosted by the Puebla Christian School seniors.  On Sunday we had some games for the kids, a craft, and a Bible story about friendship.  After Abraham told the story of David and Jonathan´s friendship, he explained that Jesus is the perfect friend.

Abraham and I will have our Valentine´s date next Monday.

Speaking of hearts, we have a 20 something student in our English class that I have been especially praying for. A couple weeks ago he and his younger cousin were joking about how many scars he has from having had so many surgeries.  Abraham asked him about the surgeries, and it turns out this young man has severe heart problems - he had six surgeries before the age of 3, and doctors would like him to have a heart transplant. However, since he is in decent health, he is not likely to get a transplant - there are others in much worse condition ahead of him.

Our infant nephew is also in need of heart surgery for a number of serious issues.  When I first met him, I could see he was ill.  He is milk white with blue around his eyes and lips, and he is very thin.  Doctors, however, want to wait until he is at least three before operating.  Why, I do not know.

Please pray for these two whose hearts are not what they should be.  Pray also for the opening and renewing of hearts here in Huejo as we continue to tell of God´s love.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Back Home

Goodness, it has been a very long time since I last updated!

This last Monday we returned from three weeks in the States visiting my family.  We had not expected to be able to go, but a financial gift and Abraham´s careful searching for sale ticket prices made the trip possible. Because we decided to go without much time between buying the tickets and the actual flight, we had to do lots of paperwork quickly: my passport had expired which required two trips to Mexico City, Leilani needed her Mexican passport, and Abishael´s Mexican passport had expired which meant trips to the government offices in Puebla.  What a scramble to finish it all!

standing on the US - Mexico boarder
We flew from Mexico City to Tijuana where we used the new CBX bridge to cross to the United States.  My dad picked us up there, and we drove another few hours to Long Beach.  Both going to Long Beach and returning home to Huejo required 14 1/2 hours of travel and waiting each way.

We enjoyed the time with family. While there, we visited some fun places and took the kids to the park several times.  They warmed up to the uncle, aunts, and grandparents that they hardly ever see (except on skype).  Unfortunately, illness visited, and our final days were shadowed by first Lani's fever and then Abishael's.  They both still have coughs, although they are slowly recovering.

Before we left for Christmas, we had the opportunity to partner with another missionary family and a team that came from the States to distribute water filters to our neighbors.  The water from the pipes here is not clean, so most people buy containers of water.  With filters, they can now save that money, a great help to tight budgets.  When we gave the filters, we also asked if the recipients wanted to hear about living water.  All the families agreed.  Abraham and I also offered Bible studies to them, and some said they did want us to visit.

We continue with the Bible studies already established, and there has been an increase in the number of children attending on Sunday afternoons.  Our Saturday and Tuesday English classes have a varying number of students, since some drop out but more join.

Please pray for us that 2016 will be a year of blessing.  Continue to pray for health, especially for Abish and Lani.  They are entering the third month of homeopathic treatments, and we pray that the natural medicines will strengthen their immune systems.