A few weeks ago, I began a pencil drawing class at Dios es Amor for anyone over the age of 10 interested in learning. So far we have only had two meetings, because of different activities at church. There are five, or perhaps six, students. I emphasize that drawing is not a mysterious gift that only a few people have, but that anyone can learn how to really see in order to capture their world on paper.
Also at Dios es Amor, preparations have begun for the church Christmas presentation. This year there will be five scenes from Jesus´ life presented in different areas of the church property. Abraham will be one of the three narrators who will be guiding visiting groups through each of the scenes and reading the Biblical accounts of each part of Jesus´ life. Leilani and I have the role of shepherds, along with two other children from Huejotzingo. Abishael will be part of the group of angels, and Six will be one of the Magi. Four other children from Huejotzingo also have roles in the first scene as angels and Magi.
In a previous post, I wrote about several people who needed prayer for serious health problems. Aaron continues to receive chemo treatment for the tumor in his chest. He has been able to spend days at home between treatments, and so far hasn´t suffered nausea from the medicine. Fani decided to try alternative treatments for the tumor in her brain rather than have surgery immediately. Hortensia is now completely free of shingles. Alan has returned home, but is still very ill and must undergo more testing.
Another person who needs prayer is Martha, an older widow with reduced income. A few weeks ago, she was bitten by a black widow spider and went to the hospital for treatment. The treatment was effective, but the doctors warned her to stay out of the sun for a few months - apparently the venom remaining in her system can be reactivated by sun exposure. This restriction is difficult for Martha, because she lives in an isolated area, and her only means of transportation is walking. Needing to stay out of the sun makes getting to work difficult or impossible.
Please continue to pray for healing for these people and for continued health for all of us. Pray for us as we decide what curricula to use with Abish for his homeschooling. Thank you for your partnership with us.