Saturday, May 25, 2019


After almost ten years of marriage, Abraham and I now own our first vehicle, bought with funds donated to our family.  Abraham researched online and asked for advice from friends and chose the Toyota Avanza as our best option.  The car has good gas mileage and seats seven.   It is from 2017, and the previous owner fitted it with a deer guard (dog guard, around here!) and lightly tinted windows.

In its time with us, Rededi (Regalo De Dios) has already had adventures.  Not long after we brought it home, we had several near misses with dogs running suddenly out into the street.  People aren´t always careful crossing the street either, and lots of the drivers on the road probably shouldn´t be behind the wheel.  The interior of the car was recently decorated with melted chocolate when a chocolate-covered balloon exploded as I took home one of the pre-teens I teach on Tuesday afternoons.  There is also always plenty of mud or dust to decorate both inside and outside.

Although driving around Puebla is still difficult for me - I like being able to know where the lane lines are and they aren´t usually marked, nor are most speed bumps painted - the car has been helpful in many ways.  Getting to and from the market on Saturdays is now much easier, as is traveling to Puebla Christian School to teach on Thursdays.  Also, we have been able to take friends from Huejotzingo to church, cutting the travel time from 1 1/2 hours to only a half hour.  For a few years now we have had a mid-week Bible study with a family with six children, and now we can pick them up from their home for Sunday kids' club as well.  The oldest girl of that family can participate in the pre-teens' craft or dessert class on Tuesdays, because I can drive her (hence the exploded balloon mentioned earlier).  Because of the car, we can now enroll Abish in swim classes, even though the pool is fairly far away. 

Rededi is a blessing, and we know it isn't really ours.  It belongs to God, and we intend to use it as he directs.  Please pray that it will continues to serve well and that we stay free from accidents.

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