Monday, July 26, 2021

Construction again

 Three years ago, when we moved from Huejotzingo to San Miguel, where we now live, a friend moved into the house we had been renting.  She, also a Teach Us to Pray missionary, helped in innumerable details with the classes we still held at the Huejotzingo house.  However, slightly less than a year ago, she also moved to San Miguel.  The owner of the Huejo house raised the rent to more than double, and then an Alcoholics Anonymous group moved into the area where we had taught classes and Bible studies.

Due to the pandemic, we had suspended the majority of the classes anyway.  Still, the contacts we had made over the years live primarily in Huejotzingo, and although our house in San Miguel is only about 10 minutes away by car, hardly any of them have cars, so they cannot easily attend any classes we might have in San Miguel.  Abraham and I began discussing with my dad about whether we could build a center on our property in Huejotzingo.  Don Ezequiel, the same man who directed the building of our San Miguel home, agreed to put together a construction team, and soon the new center was begun.

Once again Abraham and I are reminded of all the details that go into planning a new building.  Where to put the windows?  What size?  If we want it to be wheel-chair accessible, where does the entrance ramp go?  How steep and wide will it be?  How many light switches and where should the lights be?  Also, Abraham and Don Ezequiel must constantly check prices of the necessary materials when more ordering is needed.  Many prices have soared since our house building.  

The Huejotzingo center will not be ready in time for this summer´s Vacation Bible School, but we probably have to do it via whatsapp again anyway, since there are reports of higher covid infection rates recently.  The VBS theme is of the life of Joshua.  We have five actors ready for their parts.  Abraham will write their monologues, and we will record the videos to send out, as we did last year.  We also have most of the craft materials to bag up and distribute to participants, and the prizes are ready for the end of the VBS week, which will be August 17-21.

On a more personal note, Leilani continues to love her ballet classes in Huejotzingo.  She participated in her first recital last week.  She does not suffer from stage fright and enjoyed the experience.  Her teacher plans to prepare the girls for presentations every three months.

Both Abish and Lani have a few weeks left of their homeschool year with me.  We are all taking a vacation from studies for the next two weeks while my sister is visiting us.  These weeks will be more about playing and going out and about.

Please pray for us as the construction goes on.  Pray for health and safety for Don Ezequiel and his team and for Abraham and I as we make all the decisions.  Pray that the finished center will be a great blessing.  Pray also that the VBS will be a wonderful outreach even if we cannot do it live and that we will be safe and well throughout the planning and running of the program - virtual VBS is somwhat easier but still requires significant work.  Give thanks with us for Lani´s teacher and her class and her joyful dancing spirit and also for my sister´s visit.

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