Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Pregnant in Huejotzingo part 2

Baby Lechuga - rather hard to tell exactly what the images show...

The written report of the ultrasound
Monday was the medical day.  Abraham and I took the bus to Cholula, about 35 minutes away from Huejotzingo, in order for me to have a blood and urine test and then my first ultrasound.  The tests, of course, had to be fasting, so we went as early as possible in the morning.  During the ultrasound, the doctor confirmed that Baby Lechuga is growing well, and we saw and heard the heartbeat.  Abraham remembered to tell the doctor that we want Baby's gender to be a surprise.  As she moved the sensor around, the doctor said, "Are you sure you don't want to know?  I can see so clearly!"  When we affirmed that we do not want to know ahead of time, she good naturedly complained, "Couples come in, and they want to know, and the baby hides.  Yours is clear, and you don't want to know."

She estimated the due date to be May 1, about 2 weeks after what I had thought.  She told us that all is well, but I do have to be careful to notice if Baby either stops moving entirely or begins to move frantically, because the umbilical cord is wrapped one time around his/her neck.  There is still plenty of time for the baby to either dislodge the cord with gymnastics, or wind it up more with the same.

Abraham went for the other medical results yesterday afternoon, and the doctor said I'm in good health.  If everything continues well, I can have our baby at home.  Excellent news!

On Monday afternoon, after returning from Cholula, we still had the doctor's appointment at the general hospital in Huejotzingo.  Those appointments we schedule in order to have a record of my existence and the progress of the pregnancy should an emergency occur during our baby's birth.  Cholula is too far away.

We waited in line almost an hour for the nurse to take my weight, blood pressure, and pulse, and then we joined several others to wait for the general practitioner.  That wait was another 2 hours.  When it was our turn, the doctor checked baby's heartbeat and my ankles to look for swelling.  He said my due date is May 15th.  I think I prefer the due date given by the ultrasound doctor.

Thank you for your continued prayers.  We are blessed.

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