Monday, July 20, 2015

Day 1 of the Huejotzingo, Mexico, Teach Us to Pray VBS

Guest writer Ken Greenlee Day 1 of the Huejotzingo, Mexico, Teach Us to Pray VBS is in the books. It was a great day. We had 31 kids, which for day 1 is the best ever. Usually the attendance builds, with some kids not returning but with more new ones coming each day than those that don’t return. We have 13 helpers, some from the neighborhood and some from Dios Es Amor, the church Rachel and Abraham are affiliated with. The church also provides equipment and some funds. I was interested to see how many mothers brought their kids to register. Most often the kids come by themselves. I think the interest of the parents is an encouragement. They know Rachel and Abraham and greet them as their kids get their name tags and are assigned to their age group for various activities. And a number of parents came to the closing ceremonies as well.

The snack: The lamb is made of a giant marshmallow with a gummy blackberry for a head

Lining up to register

Racing through the hoops

Lot tells his story

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